Thousand is a card trick game for two or three players. In real life, there is a variation of the game for 4 players, but due to the fact that it is very specific on this project, the game for four is not implemented.
These rules of the game are focused on the game project "IgraFan" and describe the rules of the game for this project. But for completeness and general information, the rules of the game used in real life when playing live are also described.
These paragraphs are not relevant to the current project and are not required reading - they are in italic and grayed out.
The game uses a standard deck of 36 cards with sixes, sevens and eights removed. The game lasts several hands (rounds) until one of the players scores the required number of points to win, usually 1000 (1001) points. Each distribution (round) consists of several stages:
- Deal of cards.
- Bidding.
- Discarding cards.
- Order.
- Drawing.
During the last stage of the "Drawing", players receive bribes. A bribe is a few cards laid out on the table by each partner in one move, which, in accordance with the rules of the game, must be taken by the player who laid out the highest card. The result of each round is the collected bribes - cards. Each card has its own value in the form of game points. Accordingly, each card is evaluated and the total amount of points scored by each of the players is determined.
Game scores — rank values:
At the start of each round, the dealer deals seven (7) cards to all players for a three-player game and ten (10) cards for a two-player game. The distribution takes place in turn, one card at a time, starting from the player to the left of the dealer and further clockwise. In this case, between the first and last round of distribution, the dealer lays out one card on the table face down - buy. Prikup - cards set aside separately on the table. In the case of a game for three, one prikup of three cards is formed, in the case of a game for two, two separate prikups of two cards each are formed. Thus, all 24 cards are dealt. After the round, the dealer changes to the next player to the left of the current dealer.
[?] When playing in reality, the dealer, before starting to deal cards, must allow the player sitting to his right hand to move (“cut”) the deck (usually it is forbidden to move one card, although there are different variations). After that, the dealer moves the shifted part of the deck under the rest of the cards and looks at the last card in the deck (there is nothing in this, this card will still go to him). If the last card is a nine, then the dealer shows it to all players (since a shift by a nine is not desirable and can lead to a penalty, the dealer at his will can voice this event with a theatrical phrase like: "nine times" / "nine two", "Forty" (first nine) / "eighty" (second nine) (meaning the amount of the penalty for three shifted nines in a row equal to 120 points) and allows you to move again (in some companies, with two shifted nines in a row, it is customary to put a deck on the table, so that the shifter himself moved and removed a part of the deck and put it next to the remaining cards, only after that the dealer places the shifted part of the deck down the remaining cards); if a nine falls out three times in a row, the shifter is charged a penalty of 120 points. If the last card is a jack, then the dealer shows it to other players and puts the card in the middle of the deck ("marries a jack") and starts dealing (while the last card does not look anymore). In some companies it is customary to draw a jack (if and he ended up at the bottom) and click on the nose of the shifter, in some companies it is customary to “click on the nose” with a whole deck ... Such actions require a certain skill and knowledge of the player about the nuances of the rules of the game.
The cards are dealt one card clockwise and begins with the player sitting to the left of the dealer. During the deal, you must put three cards in the buy-in. In a three-player game, it is forbidden to put the last card in the buy-in. If during the distribution at least one card turned out to be revealed (whether by negligence or on purpose), or the last card was not in the draw (when playing with four players), then the dealer is charged a penalty of 120 points (the term "mess on the table") and the cards are transferred to the next player for distribution to the game. The same rule applies if the dealer did not let the “right hand” (sitting on the right) move the deck and started dealing cards. In some cases (by agreement) the cards do not go to the next player for the deal, the penalized player continues to deal cards.
In a three-player game, the dealer must deal cards one at a time clockwise so that the last card (which he was looking at) goes to him.
In a four-player game, the dealer deals a deck to himself for a buy-in (the term "sitting on a buy-in") in the amount of three cards and the dealer does not participate in the game. In a four-player game, the dealer is obliged to put the last card to himself, that is, to the buy-in, since he looked at it (the rule for shifting the deck, see above). In a four-player game, the dealer has no right to share his knowledge with other players in any way, otherwise he is penalized with a deduction of 120 points (or more by agreement) and the distribution goes to another player.
In a three or four player game, each player is dealt seven cards. The winner of the auction takes the buy-in of three cards, after which he is obliged to give two other players one of any cards of their choice, this is called “demolition of cards”. Thus, all players have an equal number of cards.
In a four-player game, the dealer ("sitting on the buy-in") does not take part in the game, and therefore automatically receives a predetermined number of points:
- the dealer receives points equal to the sum of the points in the buy-in (taking into account rounding);
- if the distribution in the community cards turned marriage, then its value is added to the total number of points in the community cards.
After the cards have been dealt, the players evaluate their cards and announce the buy-in rates.
A bet statement means the announcement of the number of points that the player undertakes to take in the current round (bet).
The player who is next to the dealer starts the trade clockwise (to the left of the dealer). This player is called the "first hand" and must declare a minimum bet of 100 points. In various variations of the game, the “first hand” is obliged to declare a bet of exactly 100 points, with some - it has the right to declare any bet available to him.
Then the players, in turn, in a clockwise direction, announce their bets, or refuse to bid (“pass”). It is impossible to violate the order of trading. If the player has passed, he is eliminated from the bidding and then the bidding continues without him with the remaining players.
Any bet entered must be a multiple of five (5). For example, 100, 115, 120.
[?] In some varieties of the game in real life, the bidding takes place in increments of 5 points, that is, each player can only raise the rate by 5 points (100-105-110-115-120, etc.). Participating in this project in trading, the player has the right to declare any amount of points available to him for the application. The trade continues until there is one player to bet, which the rest of the players could not beat. This player is the winner of the auction.
During the bidding, there are rules that limit the number of points that a player can claim:
- a player can not bet more than 120 points on the Marriage without hands;
- a player can not bet more than 160 points, if the person possesses only the peak marriage;
- a player can not bet more than 180 points, if the person possesses a marriage only of clubs;
- a player can not bet more than 200 points, if the person possesses only diamonds marriage;
- a player can not bet more than 220 points, if the person possesses a marriage of hearts only.
On this project, the program limits the maximum amount of the declared rate of 120 + suma all available on
Mariage hands.
[?] When playing in reality, if a player declared a bet in violation of these rules, then the declared number of points is debited from his account, and the distribution goes to the next player in turn. In some cases (negotiated separately), other players are charged 60 points each.
The player who won the auction takes the buy-in in the case of a three-player game - this is one buy-in consisting of three cards. In the case of a game for two, the player chooses one buy out of two possible ones of his choice. When the buy-in is taken, the buy-in cards are shown to all players, with the exception of the announcement of a game of 100 points, which the rest of the players "passed" ("sitting on a hundred") - then the buy-in is not revealed. On this project, whether the purchase is shown or not in the case of "sitting on a hundred" is determined by the parameters of the game when creating. In the case of a game for two, only the buy-in selected by the player is shown, which he takes, the second buy-in remains on the table with the backs facing up. The player who takes the buy-in gives (demolishes) one of any cards from his cards to each player. Cards are dealt face down. Thus, each player has nine (9) cards in his hand in the case of a three-player game and eleven (11) cards in his hand in a two-player game.
If there were only nines in the draw, or if any of the players have 4 nines or less than 14 points, the player can ask to re-deal the cards. On this project, the possibility of retaking is set in the game parameters.
After discarding the cards, the player who won the bidding must make the final order (bet) to which he is going. The order (rate) cannot be lower than that indicated during the auction. It can only be equal or greater.
If the player sees that he cannot collect the declared bet, he can announce the list - “paint the game”. The rule "schedule the game" is set in the convention parameters when creating the game. In this case, the "penalty for painting" is also set in the parameters of the game. If the parameter is "YES", then after the game is painted, the player receives a penalty in the amount of the bet made during trading, his opponents receive 50% of the ordered game. If the parameter is "NO", then after the game is painted, the player receives one stick, his opponents receive 50% of the ordered game. You cannot paint the game on the "barrel".
Each player, starting with the winning bidder, then clockwise, lays out one card on the table. The first player lays out any card from his hand of his choice. The first card played determines the call-in suit. All subsequent players must lay out any card of the same suit, if there are no cards with the same suit, then they must put a trump card, if there are no trump cards then any card of any suit. When everyone has put one card on the table, the player who has put the most senior trump card, or if there is no highest card of the leading suit on the table of trump cards, takes the cards laid out on the table and takes the bribe. See card seniority here. The player who took the bribe begins to make the next move. The game is played until the players run out of cards in their hands.
On this project, the program does not allow the player to lay out the wrong card. When playing in real life, if a player begins to cheat and put a card of the wrong suit in the presence of cards of the starting suit or in the presence of trump cards, then for such actions the player receives a penalty in the overall standings - minus 120 points. In this case, the bribes taken by him are not taken into account in the calculation of the result of the round.
There are special combinations in the game - a queen and a king of the same suit. Such combinations are called marijage or praise (praise). Praise can be “praised” in the course of the drawing. To do this, the player who won the bribe needs to enter from any margins card - from a queen or king and announce this to other players. On this project, when entering from the margin card, the margin is announced automatically. In this case, the suit of praise establishes a new trump card, and the player receives points for bribes in the round for announcing praise. The number of points received is determined by the suit of the marijage (praise). For more information on marriages, see
On the first move, it is forbidden to declare a margin, in this case, entering from a margin card will be considered a normal move, as if the player does not have any other margin cards.
Round (kon) results, scoring
At the end of the round, the points taken are counted - bribes plus the cost of the declared margins. Each player calculates the amount of cards he has collected. This is the sum of the
denominations (value) of the collected cards. This total of points is rounded to a multiple of five (5) downwards for two (2) points and upwards for three (3) points. The rounding rule is valid only for ordinary players; rounding does not apply to the player who won the auction. If he has not reached at least one point to the ordered amount, then it is considered that he has not collected the ordered amount.
If the player who won the auction scored the declared amount of points, it is credited to his account, if not, it is debited from his account. All other players are awarded the points they have accumulated.
Rule "Stick" ("Bolt")
If in the process of playing the knight the player did not take a single bribe, a "stick" ("bolt") is written to him. In this project, for three sticks during the game, 120 points are deducted from the player, the sticks are canceled, and if 3 sticks are received again in any distribution, the procedure is repeated.
[?] In life, there are options for which:
- for three sticks in a row, 120 points are deducted from the player, while the previous "sticks" are canceled. Upon repeated receipt of 3 "sticks", the procedure is repeated;
- the player is charged a penalty of 120 (or more, depending on the agreement) points for every fifth "stick" ("bolt") in the game.
Some nuances of playing the barrel:
If the total amount of player’s points exceeds 880, then the accrual of subsequent points to him stops, the player sits on the “barrel”.
- The player who is on the "barrel" receives a buy-in depending on the value of the convention parameter of the table "Trading on the barrel"
- A player on the barrel is required to score 121 points.
- The player on the barrel has three attempts to play 121 points. Moreover, with two unsuccessful attempts, penalty points are not awarded to him.
If the third attempt is unsuccessful, then the player flies from the “barrel” and 120 points are removed from the player, one unplayed barrel is recorded in the player’s asset.
- If another player crawls onto the “barrel”, then the player sitting on the barrel is discarded from it, 120 points are removed from the player sitting on the barrel.
- If the keeper plays the game with a bet of 121, regardless of whether the player played the “keg” or not, the opponents do not take into account either points or sticks in this circle. They "stand still".
- If 2 or 3 players simultaneously hit the barrel, then they all roll off it, 120 points are removed from each player.
- If on the “barrel”, by another player, the stake of the keeper is overbought, the keeper will not receive points or sticks based on the results of the round.
- If a bet is raised on a “keg” kicking and a trade is won, then if he does not take the bet indicated during the trade, the keeper receives a fine in the amount of the bet and flies off the “keg”.
Table convention options:
- Retake: YES / NO
If the parameter is set to “YES”, then after the cards are demolished, the server checks for re-issuing. If there were only nine in the draw, or any of the players on hand has 4 nines or less than 14 points, the player may ask for a re-dealt card.
- Barrel Trading: YES / NO
If the parameter is “YES”, then trading is as usual, while playing the barrel, automatically declares the game to be 121 points, if “NO”, then the playing barrel declares the game at 121 and takes a buyback, trading to other players is not provided.
- Ace Marriage: YES / NO
If the parameter is "YES", then the game has an ace margin. Ace Margin is 4 aces, the cost of the margin is 200 points. This marriage is subject to the rules of ordinary marriages, i.e. such a marriage cannot be declared in the first move.
- Trade in the red: -100/-200/-300/-1000
If the player scored game points less than indicated in this parameter, the player automatically says a pass when trading.
- Show purchase: YES / NO
If the parameter is "YES", then the buyback is displayed to opponents, if it is "sitting on a hundred"
- Sign: YES / NO
If a player sees that he obviously cannot get the bet indicated during the trade, he can paint the game. See "Fine on the Paint".
On the "barrel" you can not paint the game.
- Fine on painting: YES / NO
If the parameter is “YES”, then upon painting the game, the player receives a fine in the amount of bets made during the trade, his opponents receive 50% of the ordered game.
If the parameter is set to “NO”, then upon painting the game, the player receives one stick, his opponents receive 50% of the ordered game.
- Tipper: YES / NO
If the parameter is “YES”, then when any player reaches 555 or -555 points after the next round, the points of this player become equal to 0.
- Golden Con: YES / NO
In case the parameter is “YES”, the points scored and not scored in the first three rounds in the game are multiplied by two.